Letra da Abertura

Doutor Encolhedor (Dr. Shrinker – 1976) – Letra do Tema de Abertura

Dr. Shrinker

Intérprete: The Osmonds
Composição: Alan Osmond, Merrill Osmond, Wayne Osmond & Ronald Myers

Dr. Shrinker, Dr. Shrinker, he’s a madman with an evil mind.
Dr. Shrinker, Dr. Shrinker, he’s as crazy as you’ll ever find.
Crashed upon the doctor’s isle
Shrinkies are shrunken by laser ray
Will they always be so small?
Will they be lucky and get away?
Dr. Shrinker, Dr. Shrinker,
he’s a madman with an evil mind.
Dr. Shrinker, Dr. Shrinker, he’s as crazy as you’ll ever find.
Dr. Shrinker!