Trilha sonora

Robô Gigante (Jaianto Robo – 1967) – Trilha Sonora

Domestic Television


Ano de Produção: 1998.
Gravadora: VAP Inc. Records.
Número de Faixas: 78.

1 – Giant Robo Theme (with SFX)

2 – Subtitle 3 T1

3 – Space 1

4 – Thriller 1

5 – Imminent Crisis 2

6 – Showdown 7 To Fight

7 – Attack Code 2

8 – Subtitle 4

9 – Suspense 1

10 – Fight 1

11 – Subtitle 6

12 – Chase 3

13 – March Music 6

14 – Fight 4

15 – Robot Connection 1

16 – Showdown 4

17 – Theme A’s Transformation 3

18 – Ending 6 to Theme 1

19 – Attack Code 4

20 – March Music 3

21 – Showdown 5

22 – Attack Code 5

23 – Chase 1

24 – Imminent Crisis 3

25 – Ending 4

26 – Empathy 1

27 – Robot Connection 4

28 – March Music 4

29 – Ending 3

30 – Theme B End to Theme B1

31 – Theme B to Transformation 1

32 – Chase 2

33 – Attack Code 2

34 – Showdown 3

35 – Imminent Crisis 1

36 – Theme 2

37 – Theme B Preview

38 – Theme B Preview T2

39 – Giant Robo Theme (without SFX)

40 – Attack Code 8

41 – Investigation 1

42 – Suspense 2

43 – Showdown 6

44 – Attack Code 3

45 – Showdown 8 to Fight 3

46 – Subtitle 5

47 – Showdown 2

48 – Empathy 2

49 – Empathy 4

50 – Ending 8

51 – Theme B Transformation 2

52 – Theme B End 2

53 – March Music 1

54 – Attack Code 9

55 – Robot Connection 2

56 – Robot Connection 3

57 – Ending 2

58 – Subtitle 2

59 – Addition M6

60 – Addition M30

61 – Attack Code 7

62 – Bridge Through Ending 7

63 – Theme A Transformation 2

64 – Chase 4

65 – Ending 5

66 – Attack Code 6

67 – Mystery 1

68 – Investigation 2

69 – Subtitle 7

70 – M-A

71 – Attack Code 1

72 – Flight 1

73 – Subtitle 1

74 – Mystery 2

75 – Showdown 1

76 – Theme A Transformation 1

77 – Theme 3

78 – Theme A Karaoke 3 Chorus

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