Narração: José Santan Procedentes dos pontos mais distantes do universo encontram-se no grande hall da justiça, as forças mais poderosas, jamais reunidas: O Super-Homem! Batman e Robin! Mulher Maravilha! Aquaman! E os super-gêmeos Zan, Jayna e o fiel macaco Gleek. Juntos eles lutam pela justiça e paz para a humanidade. Os Super Amigos!
Primeira Temporada The Ballad of Sheriff Lobo Composição: Glen A. Larson Intérprete: Frankie Laine There is a man a legend tells, who stands for what is right. Like Wyatt Earp he never shirks, or cowards from a fight. He is our Sheriff Lobo, mighty Sheriff Lobo. Heart of gold, oh Lobo-Keep us strong! He has […]
The Funky Phantom Theme We were cold and soaking wet and lost out in a storm We went inside a spooky house just hoping to get warm The dusty clock said half past six, we knew that it was wrong When we set the hands to twelve the clock began to gong (Clock gongs, ghost […]