Lista de Episódios

Guerra, Sombra e Água Fresca (Hogans’s Heroes) – Lista de Episódios

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Primeira Temporada

1 – O Espião – Episódio Piloto “Nunca Exibido”

2 – Um Tigre Pela Cauda

3 – Comandante do Ano

4 – O Finado Inspetor General

5 – O Voo da Valquíria

6 – Preso por Prisioneiros

7 – A Ponte da Discórdia

8 – Klink, Galã Cinematográfico

9 – Leve a Água Pesada

10 – Hogan, Alemão Legítimo

11 – Nosso Amigo, o Sargento

12 – O Cientista

13 – Hogan e Fraulein Hilda

14 – Magnatas do Petróleo

15 – Hospedagem sem Reserva

16 – Assim se Faz um Iate Clube

17 – Feliz Aniversário, Adolph

18 – Nem Tudo Que Reluz…

19 – Alô, Zolle

20 – No Amor e na Guerra

21 – Schultz, Mestre do Disfarce

22 – A Torre de Pizza

23 – O Eficiente Major Kuehn

24 – Um Pato à Moda Alemã

25 – Klink, o Vidente

26 – Príncipe Makabana, Sieg

27 – Alf, o Artista

28 – O Trio do Barulho

29 – O Assassino

30 – Klink, o Casanova

31 – Quem é Quem Entre Espiões

32 – Escute, Eu Quero Fugir


Segunda Temporada

33 – Feliz Aniversário, Hogan

34 – A Brigada de Schultz

35 – Diamantes Brutos

36 – Operação Stauffen

37 – A Batalha no Campo 13

38 – Ascensão e Queda do Sargento Schultz

39 – O Balneário de Hogan

40 – Uma Bomba Ilógica

41 – Obrigado pela Lembrança

42 – Uma Caçada de Tigre Na França – Parte 1

43 – Uma Caçada de Tigre Na França – Parte 2

44 – Um Ator Se Revela

45 – A Despedida de Klink

46 – Foguete de Klink

47 – Informação, Por Favor

48 – Para o Bem de Hogan

49 – A Substituição do General

50 – O Grande Assalto de Brinksmeyer

51 – Cumprimente o Führer e Passe a Munição

52 – Hogan e a Doutora

53 – A Troca de Guarda

54 – Salve, Klink

55 – Todo Mundo Tem um Cunhado

56 – Klink, O Matador

57 – O Reverendo Comandante Klink

58 – O Campo de Concentração Mais Difícil de Fugir, do Qual Eu Fugi

59 – The Tower

60 – Colonel Klink’s Secret Weapon

61 – The Top Secret Top Coat

62 – The Reluctant Target

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Terceira Temporada

63 – The Crittendon Plan

64 – Some of Their Planes are Missing

65 – D-Day at Stalag 13

66 – Sergeant Schultz Meets Mata Hari

67 – Funny Thing Happened on the Way to London

68 – Casanova Klink

69 – How to Win Friends and Influence Nazis

70 – Nights in Shining Armor

71 – Hot Money

72 – One in Every Crowd

73 – Is General Hammerschlag Burning?

74 – A Russian is Coming

75 – An Evening of Generals

76 – Everybody Loves a Snowman

77 – The Hostage

78 – Carter Turns Traitor

79 – Two Nazis for the Price of One

80 – Is There a Doctor in the House?

81 – Hogan, Go Home

82 – Sticky Wicket Newkirk

83 – War Takes a Holiday

84 – Duel of Honor

85 – Axis Annie

86 – What Time Does the Balloon Go Up?

87 – LeBeau and the Little Old Lady

88 – How to Escape From Prison Camp Without Really Trying

89 – The Collector General

90 – The Ultimate Weapon

91 – Monkey Business

92 – Drums Along the Dusseldorf

Quarta Temporada

93 – Clearance Sale at the Black Market

94 – Klink vs. the Gonculator

95 – How to Catch a Papa Bear

96 – Hogan’s Trucking Service … We Deliver the Factory to You

97 – To the Gestapo with Love

98 – Man’s Best Friend is Not His Dog

99 – Never Play Cards with Strangers

100 – Color the Luftwaffe Red

101 – Guess Who Came to Dinner?

102 – No Names Please

103 – Bad Day in Berlin

104 – Will the Blue Baron Strike Again?

105 – Will the Real Colonel Klink Please Stand Up Against the Wall?

106 – Man in a Box

107 – The Missing Klink

108 – Who Stole My Copy of Mein Kampf?

109 – Operation Hannibal

110 – My Favorite Prisoner

111 – Watch the Trains Go By

112 – Klink’s Old Flame

113 – Up in Klink’s Room

114 – The Purchasing Plan

115 – The Witness

116 – The Big Dish

117 – The Return of Major Bonacelli

118 – Happy Birthday, Dear Hogan

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Quinta Temporada

119 – Hogan Goes Hollywood

120 – The Well

121 – The Klink Commandos

122 – The Gasoline War

123 – Unfair Exchange

124 – The Kommandant Dies at Dawn

125 – Bombsight

126 – The Big Picture

127 – The Big Gamble

128 – The Defector

129 – The Empty Parachute

130 – The Antique

131 – Is There a Traitor in the House?

132 – At Last-Schultz Knows Something

133 – How’s the Weather?

134 – Get Fit or Go Fight

135 – Fat Hermann, Go Home

136 – The Softer They Fall

137 – Gowns by Yvette

138 – One Army at a Time

139 – Standing Room Only

140 – Six Lessons From Madame LaGrange

141 – The Sergeant’s Analyst

142 – The Merry Widow

143 – Crittendon’s Commandos

144 – Klink’s Escape

Sexta Temporada

145 – Cuisine à la Stalag 13

146 – The Experts

147 – Klink’s Masterpiece

148 – Lady Chitterly’s Lover – Part 1

149 – Lady Chitterly’s Lover – Part 2

150 – The Gestapo Takeover

151 – Kommandant Schultz

152 – Eight O’clock and All is Well

153 – The Big Record

154 – It’s Dynamite

155 – Operation Tiger

156 – The Big Broadcast

157 – The Gypsy

158 – The Dropouts

159 – Easy Come, Easy Go

160 – The Meister Spy

161 – That’s No Lady, That’s My Spy

162 – To Russia Without Love

163 – Klink for the Defense

164 – The Kamikazes are Coming

165 – Kommandant Gertrude

166 – Hogan’s Double Life

167 – Look at the Pretty Snowflakes

168 – Rockets or Romance
