Tema em Português Ele é rei dos mares Meio peixe, meio homem Também domina os ares Nobre submarino… Real Namor, dos mares é Senhor Tema Original Stronger than a whale He can swim anywhere He can breathe under water and go flying through the air The Noble Sub Mariner Prince of the deep So, beware […]
Chou Shinsei Flashman Intérprete: Taku Kitahara Composição: Takekawa Yukihide e Takana Koohei Chikyuu ni Pinchi ga yattekuru Dekkai mirai ga abunai ze Kodoku no uchuu kara (wow) ima koso Kaettekidazo hagane no tamashii Oretachi Haato wa issho sa fire Moyasuzo ikari no doukasen Crash Crash Crash Crash Kiken no iminante Flash Flash Flash Flash Wasureta […]
Defenders of the Earth Defenders of the Earth, Defenders! Out of the sky his rockets ignite! Jets into battle, flies faster than light! Flash Gordon! Lord of the jungle, the hero who stalks! The beasts call him brother, the ghost who walks! Phantom! Defenders of the Earth, Defenders! Master of magic, spells and illusion, Enemies […]