Lista de Episódios

Capitão América (Captain America – 1966) – Lista de Episódios


História 1 – A origem do Capitão América
The Origin of Captain America
Wreckers Among Us
Enter Red Skull

História 2
The Sentinel and the Spy
The Fantastic Origin of the Red Skull
Lest Tyranny Triumph

História 3
Midnight In Greymore Castle
If This Be Treason
When You Lie Down With Dogs

História 4
Revenge of Captain America
The Trap Is Sprung
So Dies a Villain

História 5
Return of Captain America
The Search
To Live Again

História 6
Zemo and his Masters Of Evil
Zemo Strikes
The Fury of Zemo

História 7 – A volta ao passado
Let the Past Be Gone
The Adaptoid
The Super Adaptoid

História 8 – O Espadachim
Coming of the Swordsman
Vengeance Is Ours
Emissary of Destruction

História 9
Bitter Taste of Defeat
Sorcery Triumph
The Road Back

História 10- O caminho para a destruição
When the Commissar Commands
Doorway to Doom
Duel or Die

História 11
The Sleeper Shall Awake
Where Walks the Sleeper
The Final Sleep

História 12
The Girl from Caps Past
The Stage Is Set
30 Minutes to Live

História 13
The Red Skull Lives
He Who Holds The Cosmic Cube
The Red Skull Supreme b

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