Lista de Episódios

O Poderoso Benson (Benson – 1979) – Lista de Episódios

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Primeira Temporada

1 – Benson

2 – Trust Me

3 – O Sósia do Presidente

4 – A Paixão de Benson

5 – Conflito de Interesse

6 – As Dispensas

7 – Snowbound

8 – Jessica

9 – Don’t Quote Me

10 – War Stories

11 – Assombração

12 – Taylor’s Bid

13 – One Strike, You’re Out

14 – Laços de Amizade

15 – Disputa de Comando

16 – Bugging the Governor

17 – O Romance de Krauss

18 – Checkmate

19 – Uma Guerra Fria

20 – Old Man Gatlin’

21 – Disputa Interna

22 – O Governador Vai às Ruas

23 – The Army Wants You

24 – Férias na Montanha


Segunda Temporada

25 – Unha e Carne

26 – Benson in the Hospital

27 – Fool’s Gold

28 – Baile de Máscaras

29 – A Primeira Dama

30 – A Cidadã Krauss

31 – Benson’s Groupie

32 – Odisseia nas Alturas

33 – Old School Ties

34 – The Apartment

35 – Big Buddy

36 – Fireside Chat

37 – A Cerimônia de Casamento

38 – Rivals

39 – No Sad Songs

40 – Clayton, Go Home

41 – Easy Kid Stuff

42 – Trabalho em Casa

43 – Handwriting on the Wall

44 – The Governor’s House Call

45 – All Shook Up

46 – A Segurança

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Terceira Temporada

47 – O Novo Cargo de Benson

48 – The Grass Ain’t Greener

49 – Sit-In

50 – O Agente Secreto

51 – The Lobbyist

52 – Stress

53 – Grata Surpresa

54 – Once in a Blue Moon

55 – A Paixão de Krauss

56 – Problemas do Dia-a-Dia

57 – O Erro de Kraus

58 – Os Espinhos da Rosa

59 – Gangue de Rua

60 – O Romance de Katie

61 – O Edifício de Clayton

62 – Acertando as Contas

63 – Pete Vira Herói

64 – No Vermelho

65 – O Campeonato

66 – O Rompimento com o Partido

67 – A Serraria

68 – Terça-feira Negra


Quarta Temporada

69 – Crimes Misteriosos (Parte 1)

70 – Crimes Misteriosos (Parte 2)

71 – Conflito Internacional

72 – Thy Brother’s Keeper

73 – Lei de Aposentadoria

74 – O Professor Exemplar

75 – O Encontro de Velhos Amigos

76 – Benson’s New Home

77 – O Assalto

78 – O Natal Especial

79 – Pen Pal

80 – O Casamento de Gretchen

81 – Close Encounters on the Third Hole

82 – O Namorado de Katie

83 – Uma Pintura Real

84 – Recordações

85 – Uma Herança Complicada

86 – Calamity Kraus

87 – A Voz de Ouro de Kraus

88 – Conflito de Interesse

89 – Presos no Telhado

90 – Amor Muito Comprometido

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Quinta Temporada

91 – O Casamento

92 – Human Element

93 – God, I Need This Job

94 – Quem é Arnold?

95 – Uma Ação Judicial

96 – O Encanador Que Entrou Pelo Cano

97 – Arquiteto Até Certo Ponto

98 – Um Prêmio Cobiçado

99 – Os Biscoitos de Katie

100 – Babá Por Acaso

101 – Unlisted Love

102 – O Impostor

103 – Medo de Ser Pai

104 – O Show Beneficente

105 – In All the Wrong Places

106 – Momentos Difíceis

107 – Espião Por Falta de Opção

108 – A Bela e a Fera

109 – We Deliver

110 – The Endicott Dynasty

111 – The Little Hotel That Could

112 – Let’s Play Doctor


Sexta Temporada

113 – The Scandal

114 – The Inheritance

115 – Let’s Get Physical

116 – The Campaign

117 – The Election

118 – Made in Hong Kong (Parte 1)

119 – Made in Hong Kong (Parte 2)

120 – Hello, We Must Be Going

121 – Double Date

122 – Taking it to the Max

123 – The Reunion

124 – Make War, Not Love

125 – Home for Christmas

126 – On the Road

127 – Take This Job and Love It

128 – Making Change

129 – Solid Gold

130 – The Oval Office

131 – Mid-life Cowboy

132 – Scenario

133 – Portrait of a Politician

134 – Katie’s Cousin

135 – The Bookburner

136 – Jung at Heart

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 Sétima Temporada

 137 – Benson the Hero

138 – Love and Politics

139 – Uncle Jack

140 – The Stranger

141 – We Spy

142 – $1,000,000 an Hour

143 – Flight of the Dodo (Parte 1)

144 – Flight of the Dodo (Parte 2)

145 – Two Boys and Their Dog

146 – Last Man on Earth

147 – Secret Love

148 – Summer of Discontent

149 – Parade Rest

150 – Reel Murder (Parte 1)

151 – Reel Murder (Parte 2)

152 – The Hat and the Ring

153 – The Bucks Stop Here

154 – Pardon Me

155 – Hi, Society

156 – Three on a Mismatch

157 – Friends and Enemies

158 – And the Winner is…


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